What is Adoption
Adopting with Dumfries and Galloway Council means providing a family for life for a child or children who can never live with their birth families.

Adoption is a lifelong commitment and our adopters tell us that although it's challenging it's the most rewarding thing they've ever done. Once an adoption has been granted you take full legal responsibility for the wellbeing and development of the child. The child would become part of your family, taking your name and living their life as if they were your birth child.
"Adoption for us was something we had only dreamed of doing. Being adoptive parents was about making a child's future happier, loving, and secure. We did not expect it would also make ourselves even happier and more loving."
We feel it's important where possible for children to continue to live in their own communities. This means that many of our region's children are successfully placed within Dumfries and Galloway. If you have been waiting for longer than three months to be matched with a child then we have a duty to submit your details, if you wish, to the Scottish Adoption Register which helps match adopters with children all over the UK.
Who needs Adoption?
Children of all ages from babies and toddlers to children of upper primary school age need adoption. Sometimes there are two, three or more brothers and sisters who need to live and grow up together. Some children may have been abused or neglected in their past. Other children may have physical or learning disabilities. The one thing all these children have in common is that their parents are unable or choose not to care for them and they need a new family to care for them as they grow up. When we place children for adoption we tell prospective adoptive parents everything we know about the children, including their experiences and family histories. However, there's a lot of information that we don't know, and for many of our children we are uncertain about their expected development.
If you are a habitual resident in one country and wish to adopt a child that is a habitual resident in another country, we can carry out an Intercountry Adoption assessment. Please contact us for further details and we can explain the process to you.